Small Steps
It’s been 11months since I bought anything new to wear.
This isn’t strictly true because within my self imposed rules I allowed the purchase of underwear and hosiery.
What I have actually bought from new for myself since 1st September 2019 is
6 pairs of knickers
3 pairs of tights
1sports swimming costume (absolutely necessary as I love to swim and the lycra in my old suit suddenly gave up).
I will not list everything I have bought for myself that is not new, that is #preloved#secondhand etc as the list would be so long you would give up reading.
I have always enjoyed buying second hand, rummaging through unpromising piles of jumble, forensically searching through charity shop rails and trudging around boot fairs in search of hidden treasure, but now Its the only shopping I do
Challenging myself for a year has done nothing to lessen the amount of clothes I own but it has made me think about my consumption
The fashion industry has an indefensible reputation as the one of the worst offenders in both damage to our planet and mis treatment of its global workforce. It is a huge topic that for many of us feels impossible to tackle or even to understand, so we do nothing because it all seems like too much. But there are people that are doing something and their numbers are growing. Over the last few months I have been reading and listening to some of these people.
Fashion Revolution are leading the way in asking who made our clothes and demanding accountability from brands
A fantastic podcast that I’ve been engrossed in on my daily walk
The very readable book that made think and touched a few nerves too
How to Break up with Fast Fashion by Lauren Bravo.
It is easier not to listen because what they have to say is uncomfortable and requires us all to think and then to act. We all need to open our eyes and start taking steps, however small, in a different direction.