I have decide to post on my blog every Sunday. My aim when I set up my website that I would add regularly to my blog but this just hasn’t happened. I have composed many writings in my head and thought of many ideas but they somehow have never made their way onto the page. So I’m setting myself a timescale, once a week. It doesn’t have to be a major work or anything earth shattering, just something, working on the premise that practice makes perfect. If I never write how can I hope to get better.
This week I posted a black an white shot of myself on Instagram,taken many years ago,it’s lovely, but I remember at the time how unhappy I was about how I looked, how I wished my hair wasn’t so frizzy, how I wished I wasn’t so chubby and probably loads of other negative thoughts about myself. I know there were things I didn’t do because I believed I wasn’t good enough.
More recently I have been using images of myself on social media, potentially for the whole world to see (I wish)to promote my business. I still look at my photos and videos and judge myself in a negative light but I still use them and own and celebrate that this is me a 57 year old woman trying to make her way in the world and accept that this is me.
The black and white shot was posted as part of the #challengeaccepted #womensupportingwomen
I posted it quickly without actually knowing what it was about and it turn out most people didn’t know either. It is still a little unclear as there are differing origin theories around but I read that someone from Instagram said
“it’s meant to celebrate strength, spread love and remind women that supporting each other is everything “
I think I’m going to go with that. I posted another picture taken this week with a small group of women who over the years have been there at the kitchen table, on the end of the phone, dashing to the school gates or in countless other situations supporting each other in small ways that do indeed mean everything.